One of the FMIPA biology doctoral lecturers on behalf of Prof. A A. K. Darmadi as a resource person at PFI (Indonesian Phytopathology Association) Kopda Bali.

One of the FMIPA biology doctoral lecturers on behalf of Prof. A A. K. Darmadi as a resource person at PFI (Indonesian Phytopathology Association) Kopda Bali. In order to change the management of PFI Kopda Bali in the 2023-2025 period, a PFI seminar was held. This seminar took place in the Faculty of Agriculture meeting room in the agroecotechnology building. The seminar was held on December 18 2023, inviting all PFI Kopda Bali members, totaling approximately 40 people. Some members come from the quarantine center, lecturers from Mahasaraswai, Dwijendra, Univ. IKIP PGRI Mahadewa etc. At the seminar, 4 speakers were invited, namely Prof. Wirawan, Prof. Suada, Prof. A.A.K. Darmadi and from the Quarantine center. Prof. A.A.K. Darmadi presented a paper entitled 'Utilization of cinnamon leaf extract (Cinnamomum burmanni Blume as a biopesticide to control plant diseases caused by fungi'.