Socialization of the Udayana University FMIPA Postgraduate Program on December 9, 2022 to Undana.

Socialization of the Udayana University FMIPA Postgraduate Program on December 9, 2022 to Undana. This socialization was attended by Coordinating Study Programs for Masters in Biology, Masters in Chemistry, Doctoral Degree in Biology, namely Dr. Sang Ketut Sudirga, Dr. A.A.Gd. Bring and Prof.Dr. A A. Ketut Darmady. This event is programmed by FMIPA. To expedite the event, one of the Doctoral Biology lecturers, Fainmarinat Selviani Inabuy, Ph.D, who happened to be from Kupang, was assisted in facilitating the event. At this event, 100 people were invited including undergraduate alumni of the Faculty of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) Undana consisting of Alumni of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, as well as lecturers at Undana. In addition, several public and private universities around Kupang were also invited, namely the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Timor, Widya Mandira Catholic University FMIPA, Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic Study Program, Agricultural and Dry Land Management Study Program, Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic. In this socialization, a collaboration was signed between the Postgraduate Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud and the Faculty of Science and Technology Undana regarding the process of learning, research and service. Then the event continued with the presentation of each co-project, namely Masters in Biology, Masters in Chemistry and Doctoral in Biology. After the presentation, it was followed by a question and answer session.