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International Community Servic ...

Rabu, 10 Juli 2024
International Community Service was carried out by the S3, S2 and S1 Biology Study Programs on July 9 2024 at Simbar Segara Magrove Pemogan Denpasa | Read More...

FMIPA biology doctoral lecture ...

Rabu, 10 Juli 2024
FMIPA biology doctoral lecturers on behalf of Darmadi, A.A.K, Inabuy, F.S., Sudirga, S.K., and Ramona, Y published a manuscript in a reputable inte | Read More...

FMIPA Biology doctoral lecture ...

Rabu, 10 Juli 2024
FMIPA Biology doctoral lecturer on behalf of Prof.A.A.K.Darmadi, Prof. Retno Kawuri, Prof. Wiwik Susanah Rita, Dr. Susun Perwana Yoni published an | Read More...

One of the biology doctoral st ...

Jumat, 1 Maret 2024
One of the Biology doctoral students, Sanuriza and his team, has published his dissertation research in a reputable journal as one of the requireme | Read More...



Final Project

Studi Pelaksanaan Asuhan Kefarmasian Pasien Rawat Jal...

Made Adi Wira Darma

Studi Reprodusibilitas Pola Puncak Kromatogram Akibat...

Dewa Ken Budiputra

Pengaruh Kombinasi Asam Oleat dan Minyak Atsiri Bunga K...

Nyoman Ayu Triani

The Best Yudisium